Graphics Design
I worked for a long time in the father's profession, which came from typographic printing. Our move to Istanbul in 2007 was a full introduction to business life. The printing and graphic foundations that I acquired while working at my father's printing house have been the biggest factor that paved the way for me in my professional business life. In the following years, my experiences with printing companies and subsequent advertising agents continued with the development of my skills in this field.
I think that it is necessary to approach this profession with the awareness that graphic design cannot be done only by learning the relevant programs, and that it is necessary to go to the very basics of the work. Graphic design can be done with the knowledge of color, the correct use of the emotions given by colors, the ability to express an idea by visualizing it, and it can only reach professionalism with a good knowledge of printing techniques.
Over the years, I have done a lot of work as a graphic designer by training. I can provide professional service to you about Logo Design, Corporate Identity Design, Catalogue, Brochure and many more graphic design works.