Why Should You Work With An SEO Expert?
Search Engine Optimization has started to gain more importance with the increase in the number of websites and the rapid search for them. We can explain the essence of what is meant by optimization as, in fact, the standards of websites brought under the leadership of Google.
How SEO Compatible Website Should Be?
- The HTML and CSS structure of the website must comply with W3C standards.
- The page load speed of the site should be high. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the images and JS codes on the web page well.
- The design of the site should be in a structure that can adapt to mobile phones, tablet devices and computer screens.
- In addition to being able to adapt to the screen sizes of the site, it should work well, especially when opened on mobile phones. That's why I'm talking about it again. It doesn't just matter if it adapts to the screen size.
- It needs to have a user-friendly interface design. It is necessary to design an interface, especially in e-commerce sites, taking into account the usage habits. A large proportion of visitors, when experiencing difficulties in using the website, behave like a bounce and do not visit it again. The higher the bounce rate from your site, the lower your site will rank in search engines.
- Images and content need to be configured in a way that search engines can read by robot software in the background.
I talked about the features that should be on a major SEO compatible website. Of course, more detailed procedures are required than these.
The point I want to draw attention to is the items that I have mentioned as the most important issues for SEO, the technical features that should be applied during the construction phase of the website. It will not be possible to do SEO work with a website that has been prepared outside of the standards from the beginning. That's why it is most important that your website is made by a software developer who has good knowledge of SEO and W3C standards.